Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Next New Thing

The next new thing for new media is going to be a combination of a virtual world and real life. It’s going to be called Avator. In this new form of new media people will be able to control a real life robot avator with their similar features. So instead of going outside and doing let’s say yard work, or actual work the jobs would be delegated to these robots. People will interact with each other through these avators and the human race will get 100x more lazier. More wars will be waged, because people would not be actually going, but there avators will. This idea was in no way shape or form inspired by James Cameron, but in my defense these idea doesn’t exist.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Class Wiki - So Far

As a contributor for the New Media and Sports, I have been researching blogs and how designates a blog for each team. They also have a writer that is connected with espn who post on their twitter accounts. In the website that I am going to use as an example where it enables people to have a forum to discuss basketball games during the game. I am also going add the nba league pass application which enables users to watch game and also discuss topics. The nba also has events where they allow users to talk to analysis.

Monday, November 8, 2010

About My Term Research Paper

I approached my research by going to news websites and typing in the keywords facebook, myspace, and twitter. I also spent a majority of my time to try and understand all aspects of social networking websites. I used my previous knowledge from what I learned in class and what I’ve learned doing research. I tried to formulate a plan of how to execute my information, organizing it and implementing my paper in the most efficient and effective way to best get my point across. I learned an exponential amount from my project; I’ve learned that there is a lot more dangers from social networking than I had first assumed. I chose this topic because I have always been interested in the concept of social networks. To add to that, I was looking into ways to implement social networking ideas for my company (can’t reveal what it is) that hopefully can be revolutionary and make me billions. So I felt it necessary for me to select this as my topic.  
                All in all I came to the conclusion; the internet can be both a good and bad thing. The benefits enhance life and our everyday experience by allowing us to gain useful information that we can easily put to use. Every time we log on to the internet we come away with new information that broadens our horizons. The only drawback to this is that we risk our lives and safety every time. And for what? A three minute clip of a man showing us how to drive a ski boat? The point I am hoping to have expressed is that it is not worth it. Networking on the internet as opposed to in real life is more dangerous and makes it easier for you to make yourself open to attack. Whenever you post something on the internet be wary because it never goes away. Next time you decide to log on, beware.
            My paper contributes to the field of new media, because it gives an idea to make it better. It exposes the negatives and forces people to look into a way to improve the phenomena of new media

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Advice to Baruch College

I would start with BlackBoard. I would make implement a program like Facebook, it would be called BaruchBook(yea i know orginal) it would be join with the starr center it would keep students up to date about events better than a weekly email from Carl Aylman ( bless his heart). It would be a way for businesses to view baruch students and a better way from them to get to know who they are about to hire. I think that my program would be a great way for students to connect with their teachers having a better way to connect and chat about h.w or test or advice, without having a back and forth with emails. Because of this I would make it a requirement that all teacher implement this in the school and if they were too busy or not computer savy enough they would be equipped with assistants,but mainly grad students. 

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality goes hand and hand with new media. Social Networking sites allow people to display personal information on websites. The problem that occurs is that a lot of people do not know how to set privacy setting on their profiles, to minimize the amount of information being shown. Sometimes people get too open with their information and will put a status on facebook that says “just left the house for a 2 week vacation.” Now if someone looks on their profile page and sees that you are out of your home and your address is posted on the site, then u are vulnerable to a robbery. Another case of privacy invasion would be the fact that all pictures uploaded onto facebook, becomes property of facebook.